Tag Archives: Ecigarettes

New Study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine on Vaping and Tobacco Quitlines

Vaping and E-Cigarettes Within the Evolving Tobacco Quitline Landscape

This article summarizes the vaping research literature as it pertains to tobacco quitlines and describes vaping assessment, treatment, and evaluation quitline practices. It also presents 2014−2018 registration data (vaping in the past 30 days, number of use days, use for quitting smoking, and intentions to quit vaping) from 24 public quitlines (23 states and District of Columbia) and 110,295 enrollees to employer-sponsored quitlines. Trends in vaping rates over time, by state, and by age group are described.

This paper outlines research and evaluation priorities to inform the future quitline treatment landscape with respect to vaping. The quitline community is positioned to increase the likelihood that vaping has a positive impact for adults who smoke through harm reduction or supporting cessation and has opportunities to expand impacts on youth and young adult vaping prevention and cessation.

Am J Prev Med 2021;60(3S2):S142−S153. © 2020 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Vaping and E-Cigarettes Within the Evolving Tobacco Quitline Landscape

Association Between Youth Smoking, Electronic Cigarette Use, and Coronavirus Disease 2019

The findings from a national sample of adolescents and young adults show that electronic cigarette use and dual use of electronic cigarettes and cigarettes are significant underlying risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019. Health care  providers, parents, schools, community-based organizations, and policymakers must help make youth aware of the  connection between smoking and vaping and coronavirus disease.

Electronic Cigarette Use and Covid-19