Illinois Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
The Illinois Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is an ongoing population-based survey of women who have recently delivered a live-born infant in Illinois. PRAMS, located in the Illinois Center for Health Statistics, is an important part of the Illinois Department of Public Health’s surveillance activities and is part of a national initiative by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce infant morbidity and mortality. PRAMS collects information from mothers about their behaviors and experiences before, during, and immediately after pregnancy. The unique information collected by the PRAMS program is used by health professionals, administrators, policymakers, and researchers to develop and modify programs and policies to improve the health of women and children in Illinois.
Illinois Public Health Community Map ( Healthcare Report Card)
The purpose of this website is to make information about the quality of health in Illinois communities available to the public and highlight socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities that may exist. It also examines the issue of access to health care. The Illinois Department of Public Health promotes the use of open data as a platform for ideas, advocacy, planning, and policy. Explore the Map for data about asthma, behavioral health, diabetes, emergency department use, HIV/AIDS, injury, maternal and child health, oral health, preventable hospitalizations, readmissions, and social/environmental factors.
IQuery Data Retrieval System, Illinois Department of Public Health
IQuery Alcohol-related includes the following:
- Acute & Chronic Drinking Adults
- Adult Alcohol Related DUI Arrests
- Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits
- Alcohol-Related Trauma Center Visits
- Compliance Check Efforts
- Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes
- Licensed Liquor Retailers
- Maternal Alcohol Use
- Zero Tolerance DUI Arrests
- Alcohol-Related Hospitalization
- Alcohol-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations
County Health Rankings
Health Data, National, by State and by County, Counties Ranked by Health and other measures within states. Substance Use related measures include:
- Adult Smoking
- Adult Obesity
- Food Environment Index
- Physical Inactivity
- Access to Exercise Opportunities
- Excessive Drinking
- Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Teen Births
IIlinois Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a state-based program that gathers information on risk factors among Illinois adults 18 years of age and older through monthly telephone surveys. Established in 1984 as a collaboration between the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments, the BRFSS has grown to be the primary source of information on behaviors and conditions related to the leading causes of death for adults in the general population.
For more information about the BRFSS program at CDC, visit that agency’s website at To access the Illinois data, including state, strata, and county data from 1998-2021, please visit: