Vermont SEOW releases updated report on marijuana use

Marijuana Regulation in Vermont: 2017 Literature Review Update

The “Health Impact Assessment:Marijuana Regulation in Vermont”(HIA) was a comprehensive stakeholder process that included a literature review of research published between 2009 to August 2015. The stakeholders identified 180 articles that addressed the effects of marijuana use across several physical, mental, and social health domains. In an effort to update that review, the Health Department searched peer-reviewed research studies and literature reviews/meta-analyses published between August 2015 and January 2017 and identified an additional 180 articles pertinent to the topic.This update to the HIA supports the conclusions from the original work: early and persistent use of marijuana can cause long-term adverse effects across several health domains. Of particular concern is the robust relationship between early use and the development of psychotic symptoms especially among those who consume very high potency marijuana.

The PDF report can be found here: