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Substance Use Racial, Gender, and Income Disparities in Illinois

View the pre-pandemic reports on substance use racial, gender, and income disparities in Illinois. These substances include marijuana, alcohol, tobacco/vaping, and prescription drugs. Each report explores the use of each substance, contributing factors, and consequences of use.

The data presented below are from five main sources including the 2018 Illinois Youth Survey (IYS) and the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), which are school-based surveys of middle and high school youth. The 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the Healthy Chicago Survey (HCS) are surveys of adults aged 18 and over. The 2018 and 2019 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) includes data collected from pregnant or new mothers in Illinois.

…it is crucial to recognize the health disparities and adverse effects associated with marijuana use among youth, women of reproductive age, and marginalized communities.

Click to view report

“Research provides compelling evidence of the adverse effects of prolonged alcohol use…adolescents and young adults are especially vulnerable.”

Click to view report

“…the increasing prevalence of e-cigarette use among young people is still occurring.”

Click to view report

“Research shows that while prescription drug and opioid misuse are widespread issues, this disproportionately affects vulnerable groups.

Click to view report

We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the people who worked tirelessly on the projects mentioned within, such as:

Lead Authors
Alex Lee, Center for Prevention Research and Development
Aalishba Ahmad, Center for Prevention Research and Development

Contributing Agencies
Center for Prevention Research and Development
Illinois Department of Human Services
Illinois Department of Public Health

We thank you for your continued support in our efforts to improve the availability, quality, and use of data to drive decisions.

Suggested Citation
Illinois Statewide Epidemiology Outcomes Workgroup (2024). Racial, Gender, and Income Disparities in Tobacco/Vaping in Illinois.

Crystal Reinhart, Center for Prevention Research and Development
510 Devonshire Drive | M/C 665
Champaign, IL 61820 | 217.333.0927

ICJIA Publishes New Article: “Provider-Reported Challenges & Opportunities in Supporting Young Victims of Crime”

Review the Article HERE

ICJIA Publishes New Article: “How Illinois Service Providers Support Young Victims of Crime: Findings from an Illinois HEALS Survey”

Review the Article HERE

ICJIA Publishes New Article: “A Survey of Law Enforcement in Central Illinois to Guide Violence Reduction Strategies and Project Safe Neighborhoods”

Review the Article HERE