Category Archives: Data Visualization

Perinatal Electronic Vapor Product Use – PRAMS 2016-2018

A study conducted by the Illinois Department of Public Health, identifies trends in perinatal Electronic Vapor Product usage. Electronic vapor products (EVPs) comprise a diverse group of devices, including electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). EVP users inhale an aerosol that typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and other additives. Nicotine is a developmental toxicant that adversely affects pregnancy and infant outcomes. Therefore, EVPs are not safe for mother or baby during pregnancy.

2016-2018 PRAMS_E Vapor Product Use

For more information about various studies conducted by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) visit the following link:

Youth Substance Use in Illinois; A Data Visualization Tool to examine trends: 2008-2018

This newly developed interactive visualization allows you to look at trends in alcohol, tobacco, e-cig, marijuana and other drug use behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, sources and preferences.

Also, statistical data (not the raw data) can be downloaded to Excel, Powerpoint or other formats for your own use – note the share button on the lower right of the page.

Youth Substance in Illinois: 2008-2018. Interactive Trend data for 248 variables

Statewide Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System – understanding opioid overdose deaths in Illinois

Opioid overdose is a national epidemic that effects individuals, families and communities. In 2016, there were more than 63,600 drug overdose deaths in the United States, according to National Center for Health Statistics.

To help find ways to prevent opioid overdose deaths it is important that we know the facts. The Statewide Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) helps us understand emerging trends and factors leading up to the overdose and can be used to develop prevention approaches.

Here are the Illinois County Summary Results:

A link to the SUDORS data system was just added to our website’s Illinois Data Resources Page.