CPRD Releases New Report Comparing Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana Use

CPRD has just released “Youth Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana Use in Illinois” a White Paper report based on data from the 2018 Illinois Youth Survey based on information from over 11,000 8th, 10th and 12th grade students. The report compares youth use, perceptions of these substances, sources, and consequences of use. Please see the report for more information.

Youth Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana Use in Illinois

For a FREE printed copy of this report or to request multiple printed copies, contact CPRD

Deaths From Drug Overdoses, Alcohol and Suicide Leveled Off in 2018

A new study from the Drug Free Partnership addresses the death rate from alcohol, drugs and suicide.

“In 2018, more than 150,000 Americans died from alcohol, drugs and suicide combined, according to the study from the nonprofit health policy groups Trust for America’s Health and the Well Being Trust. The death rate—46.4 deaths per 100,000—was level with the 2017 rate, the study found. It is the first time since 1999 that there has not been an annual increase.”
